Who To Call If You Are In A Car Accident

Who To Call If You Are In A Car Accident

What you do after a car accident will be critical from both a legal and medical point of view. Under the category of legal difficulties after a car accident is any monetary claim you or another party makes after the accident. This generally means whatever you choose to say after an accident can also impact your monetary award or your legal predicament.

Experts at Colorado Accident & Injury urge anyone involved in a car accident to seek medical help as soon as possible and to do so whether they believe they are injured or not. Directly after an accident, you may be in too much shock to register an injury. You may be overwhelmed by the legal and physical problems that have suddenly come your way.  You may be worried about other victims involved in the crash or keeping a schedule that will be thrown into chaos by the accident.

In so many words, you need cooler heads who can look at your condition objectively and professionally. Clinicians have a methodical approach to patient evaluations that ensures no physiological injury will go undetected. You may be unaware of various injuries after an accident, including neck and back injuries, spinal cord injuries or misalignments, and head or brain trauma. Professionals will systematically evaluate and document their physical condition.

car accident doctors colorado springs

TIME And Accountability


Among the biggest issues, you can face from a legal or an insurance perspective are timeliness and accountability. These hidden expectations (which will be explained here) can become the two most important considerations after an accident.

Time factors will include the gap of time between the accident and the act of seeking medical care. If you wait until the next day for an evaluation of your injuries, insurance companies will use that to claim you were not hurt very much. In court or in negotiations with insurance companies, lawyers will use time as a factor that will support their claims or discredit them. While you may be confused or overwhelmed after an accident, lawyers and insurance claim staff will still use time to try to reduce your settlement.

Accountability is the second factor that many people fail to understand affects the size of a settlement. Accountability refers to how a claimant behaves after an accident. Did you fail to fill a medical prescription after an accident? Did you miss doctor’s appointments? Did you fail to follow a doctor’s recommendations?

Road Conditions, Weather, and Medications


Insurance agents also have a checklist of factors that could have contributed to the accident, including items such as prescription or non-prescription drugs you may have taken that impaired – even slightly impaired – a driver’s abilities to handle an automobile. They are apt to pose these as concerns and allow the claimant to chat amiably about road hazards before you realize they are going to use your answers against you. Talk only to your lawyers and your doctors about an accident. Don’t fall into the sudden urge to confess, which occurs to some accident victims.

Turn to the Experts


The car accident doctors Colorado Springs experts at Colorado Accident & Injury, a dedicated staff of 15 clinicians, can get you on the road to recovery and document your injuries as soon as possible. Call for expert help at 719-917-7000.  The fastest recovery relies on an immediate assessment and cataloged documentation of your medical needs.

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